





Sidemount Diver

Sidemount Diver

The Sidemount diver will be trained with sidemount equipment configuration. The student will be able to dive with tanks attached one on each side, one tank clipped on and one tank in front. Be able to swim with both tanks in front while diving. Student should be able to remove and replace cylinders while underwater.

The certification depth limit approved for the ANDI Sidemount Diver is 40 msw (130 fsw). The max depth during training is 30msw (105fsw). For all dives conducted as part of this training program, the maximum oxygen exposure will be 1.45 Bar / ata PO2 and a max pn2 of 3.6. This is a NON Overhead Environment Training Course.

Price  15,000 THB

Ever dream of wreck diving and cave diving? Take a step towards technical diving with this specialty. Sidemount is growing in popularity for those starting techinical diving and even recreational diving. This specialty offerers the ability for divers to be self reliant and to dive in confined spaces, designed for advanced cave diving and technical wreck diving. As a recreational diver, sidemount gives you fexilbility and streamline options that regular BCD doesn’t offer.

You will learn to:

– Properly assemble and configure your sidemount equipment

– Adjust your weight system to be balanced underwater

– Manage gas by switching cylinders when using two or more cylinders

– Respond correctly to potential problems that may occur


The Sidemount diver course consists of three parts.
Part I consists of the formal theory.
Part II provides opportunity for skills evaluation.
Part III provides open water training (Parts I & II must be complete before open water).

Part 1 – Theory

There is a minimum of 8 hours theory explaining the different sidemount equipment configurations and what is recommended to be used for sidemount diving

Part II – Skills Evaluation – May be conducted in a swimming pool or Confined Open water with a depth not to exceed 6m/20fsw.
1) Two (ONE HOUR) dives are necessary to complete the required skills.
2) Instructor to student ratio is 1:4 for Part II. These are certified divers and should work as buddy teams. Skill evaluation may be conducted indirectly by instructing the students which skills need to be performed and observing the students performing these skills as buddy teams. The instructor should be available to assist students in need of assistance.

Part III – Open water Training (Parts I & II must be complete before starting Part III):
1) Four or more open water dives must be conducted.
2) No more than two dives per day may count towards the OW dive requirements of the course, but additional dives may be conducted for experience/pleasure.
3) A total of 120 minutes bottom and 140 minutes total run time must be logged during this course.
4) The Instructor to student ratio for this Part III O/W dives is 1:4 and should be reduced based on conditions and student abilities. Where possible, qualified assistants i.e. Certified Technical Divemasters, should be utilized and ratios can be increased to 1:6.


– PADI Open Water Diver (or qualifying certification)

– Minimum age: 15 years or older


Day 1 – Theory and Pool

Day 2 – 3 Sea Dives


– Theory training

– Equipment

– PADI Certification 

– 3 Sea Dives


– Accomodation

– Park fees

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